Monday, August 18, 2008

Lo Strano Vizio Della Signora Fenech

Edwige Fenech was one of the most celebrated actresses of Italian popular cinema in the 70's, perhaps most known for her appearances in many breezy sex comedies. But she was also the iconic star of many classic giallos, including The Case of the Bloody Iris and the amazingly paranoid All the Colors of the Dark. Here we see four Italian manifestos for three of her thrilling giallos, made with two giants of the genre: The Strange Vice of Signora Wardh plus Your Vice is a Locked Door and Only I Have the Key, both by the reliable Sergio Martino; and Mario Bava's ironic 5 Dolls for an August Moon.


Peter said...

Wonderful manifestos Lars-Erik. Love all of them, but I really enjoyed seeing the second The Strange Vice of Signora Wardh poster. Never come across that one before.
Do you have any info on who's responsible for the poster art on the first Signora Wardh poster? I've got the locandina, but there's no signature to be found.

Lars Erik said...

Thanks Peter - manifestos are great, you should try them some day! ;-)

Sorry I don't know the name of the artist, there does not seem to be a signature on mine either.